G2B - Special Contest Call

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If you hold an amateur radio Full license or a Full club license, you can apply for a Special Contest Call; for specific use in any acceptable Contest.
I had found that my call - G8VVY - was frequently giving problems with both voice and digital contacts; other amateurs often struggled, espcially under difficult conditions, to grasp my callsign fully. With the digital modes - RTTY and PSK mainly - it was often misread.
This, of course, can lead to lost points when scoring contests; both to myself and the station being worked.
When I came across the possibility of applying for a Special Contest Call Sign, (SCC), I decided to see if I could meet the qualifying criteria.
There is a participation element and an achievement element to meet.
You have to take part in 5 contests from an 'approved' list in the 5 years of the 'running period' of the current SCC issues.
You then have to either make at least 50% of the number of contacts of the leading UK ststion in the particulr contest section to score 2 points; or 20% to score 1 point.
In summary; you need to enter 5 qualifying contest and accrue 5 achievement points to apply for - and potentially hold on to in the future - an SCC.
Fortunately I was able to meet both and gained the call G2B.
When operating with indoor antennas, and only 5 Watts for the digital contests, it can 'take it out of you' if you have to contemplate working for many consecutive hours.
I therefore took a sabbatical during most of 2022 and have just recently started up again for 2023.
The certificates for participating using G2B are shown below, with the most recent at the top:

1st place in UK

BARTG Sprint - Jan 2023

UBA PSK63 Contest - 2023

RTTY Roundup Contest - 2022
1st place in UK

BARTG Sprint Contest - 2022

CQ WW RTTY Contest - 2021

CQ WWDX SSB Contest - 2021

CQ WWDX SSB Contest - 2021 - Classic overlay