Amateur Radio Contests

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One aspect of amateur radio that is adopted by many 'hams' is Contesting. It can take many forms; from weekend long marathons to shorter evening events. One of my favorites has been one called the Backpackers and is a 144 MHz/2m band contest that, for the section I enjoy, involves transporting all your equipment to the operating location at least 100m from any vehicle you use to get there.
I have carried equipment - including a heavy portable mast, tent, bedroll etc. - twice that distance; and all in one as I was unable to view the site from the car and didn't want to risk anything going missing!
I also enjoy working what is commonly called the Magic Band. It is the 50 MHz/6m frequency/wavelength and is sometimes very active at certain times of the year when radio waves are reflected from the 'E' region of the earth's ionosphere and enable contacts with distant stations.
The ionisation that causes 'Es' - 'E' scatter - comes from micrometeoroids and is constantly changing and, relatively, unpredictable phenomenon.
It does give rise to some great fun though!
Here are some of the awards I've been fortunate to earn through different forms of contesting, and general operating: